Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sandwich God - Warm Apple & Fig Sandwich with Grilled Chicken
So I did something awesome today.
I made (wait for it) the best sandwich ever.
That's right. I did it.
I created Godliness on plate.
Try it, you owe it to yourself.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Something Un-Ocassional - Chicken Cordon Bleu
Personally, I love meals I can make ahead and stick in the oven as soon as I get home. I'm at my most creative and energetic at night, so it suits me perfectly. I also love dishes that make me look amazing. This is no exception. Chicken Cordon Bleu is one of those 'fancy' dishes that is usually brought out at special occasions, or even just saved for restaurants. I'm really sure why. I try to incorporate it into our normal meal rotation (although, I will admit my definition of 'normal' is very different from most... rosemary-mint lamb chops or beer-battered cod anyone?).
Now, to be fair, I am making this today in belated celebration of my mom's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!) so this does fall under the special occasion category, all I mean is, it's too good not to make on a more regular basis. And, it's make-ahead friendly and totally easy.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Beg. Borrow. Steal - Becky's Best Ever Bran Muffins
My boyfriend's mom makes the best bran muffins. I'm so addicted to them. I used to be all about the blueberry or chocolate chip variety, but not since I tasted these fabulous delights over 7 years ago. My favourite way to enjoy them is warm, fresh from the oven with melty peanut butter. They also freeze well, I find they should be kept in the fridge after a few days, the blueberries make it a little too moist to keep out on the counter - not that they ever last that long...
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Take it Easy - Warm Avocado with Prawns
Bonjour from bed!
After an insanely busy two weeks I have finally found time to eat the avocado sitting in my fridge. Trust me, I was pretty excited.Now, I was going to make my fabulous guacamole, but that would require me making my fabulous nachos, and that seemed a bit to involved for me today. So instead, I threw this together for a quick snack. The warm avocado with the spicy shrimp is awesome, try adding quinoa to this, it would be great.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Something Stringy - Baked Spaghetti Squash
Say "squash" to my boyfriend. And when you do, watch his eyes. They widen, then they squint. "Squash" is not a trusted veggie in our house. Well, at least, it`s not trusted in half of our house.
I, on the other hand, have fond memories of helping my mom make spaghetti squash, although, admittedly I cant actually remember eating it.
There are many many many ways to preparing this particular squash, this is one of my favourites though, a veg version of "white trash pasta", pretty simple with butter, salt & pepper, minced garlic and Parmesan cheese.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
How Old is That Sock? - Lamb Chops with Mint Yogurt
Does anyone else love that episode of Friends?
Too funny.
Anywho - I found this easy little dish today at work. It's awesome, not only in taste, but I had all the ingredients already at home! Perfect non-planning on my part.
Enter my new rule, always have plain yogurt in the fridge, it comes in so handy so often! Make this for a casual dinner, trust me, your guests will gush and think you slaved away all day. And while we both know you were actually watching Friends, I wouldn't dream of ratting on you. Enjoy!
Enter my new rule, always have plain yogurt in the fridge, it comes in so handy so often! Make this for a casual dinner, trust me, your guests will gush and think you slaved away all day. And while we both know you were actually watching Friends, I wouldn't dream of ratting on you. Enjoy!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Swinging with Springsteen - Smoked Salmon Scrambled Eggs
Brace yourself.
I'm back.
And have A LOT of smoked salmon to eat.
That said, welcome to dinner at my place. On the books for tonight, an order of The Best of Bruce Springsteen and smoked salmon scrambled eggs.
Perhaps not the snazzy thing to make, when you think of everything you can do with this particular ingredient, but it's easy and simply wonderful. So, in my opinion, make it the perfect Monday meal. I bought frozen smoked salmon, my grocery store didn't have any fresh, fresh is best, but frozen will do almost as good.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I Went Into The Country - Fresh Peach Milkshake
To me, nothing screams summer more than a typical Okanogan sweltering hot day, on a beach or a boat, eating fresh peaches.
So, in order to preserve the summer feeling a little longer after we arrived back at home, I made these. Perhaps, if I wish very very hard, I'll magically find myself back on a beach in Creston, on holiday, eating peaches...
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Photo Post - Public Love, Seattle
Monday, July 25, 2011
Better with Booze - Kahlua Cupcakes
The statement stands for itself. Everything is better with booze. Beer sausage, whiskey BBQ sauce, muscles in white wine reduction, coffee with Baileys. This isn`t limited to food either. in most cases, booze makes everything a little bit better. Parties, first dates, Saturday mornings, sex.
I digress.
My point is, when I was looking for something a bit more jazzy then your typical chocolate butter cream icing (which is still awesome, I`m not knocking it) I turned to booze. More specifically, I turned to Kahlua.
Never Say Never - Seared Scallops with Pink Grapefuit
"I will never eat grapefruit" These words have crossed my lips more times then I care to count. I hate the stuff, it's sour and tart. Why would anyone want to eat that, especially when you can eat so many other wonderful things. People have tried to convince me that I should give it another go. What can I say, I'm a willful soul. Plus, I hate the stuff - right?
I made this tonight and I have reevaluated my opinion.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
B-B-B-Bennie!! - Easier Eggs Benedict

If someone were to say to you "Sunday Brunch", what would come to mind? Of course! Eggs Benny. I order it everywhere, I have tried it a few times at home, but just always seems like such a hassle. Now, I have to make it clear, I love Julia Child's hollandaise sauce the best, but it takes time. So, when your in a rush and need something a little quicker then full frontal french cooking, try this. It's awesome, easy fast. This makes enough for four servings, but it's easy to work with for more or less.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Unexpected Company - Bocconcini BItes
Next time you have company descending on you, now, whip these little morsels up. They are awesome, easy and sure to please.
This particular dish is absurdly easy. I love bocconcini. Especially when paired with hothouse cherry tomatoes. For this dish, i simply halved the mini bocconcini and slivered off the ends of the tomatoes to make them a bit more manageable. Serve drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Photo Post - Too Many Chimichangas
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sugar Rush - Maple Baked Brie with Walnuts
(photo coming soon)
I love party pieces. Especially when it requires minimal effort and yields maximum results. Baked brie falls into this category with ease. You have the ability when serving this dish to be amazing,you can whip it up quickly, wearing a fabulous LBD and sky-high heels with no mess, no fuss in no time at all. I have tried a few different kinda of baked brie, but I only feature my favourites. Try this, and fall in love.
I love party pieces. Especially when it requires minimal effort and yields maximum results. Baked brie falls into this category with ease. You have the ability when serving this dish to be amazing,you can whip it up quickly, wearing a fabulous LBD and sky-high heels with no mess, no fuss in no time at all. I have tried a few different kinda of baked brie, but I only feature my favourites. Try this, and fall in love.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Photo Post - Truce at the Watering Hole
Monday, July 11, 2011
For The Love of Veggies - Tempura
Tempura is so easy. I never took any notice before, but it really is. And again, like most easy things (muffins, sloppy joe's, gravy...) you could go to Safeway and pick up a tempura mix, add water and go. But (again), why would you when this is so much easier and better? I will admit that while I was making this for dinner for myself the timing was a little tricky, word to the wise - asparagus and carrots take the longest. I used a wok filled with canola oil, but if you have a deep frier, that would work perfectly too. I do believe that you could do a gluten-free version of this, I will let you know what I find. I suppose this really isn't the healthiest way to enjoy veggies, but some days - like today - that just doesn't matter.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Slow Sunday - Sloppy Josephs
Everyone is lazy on Sunday. And what better way to celebrate being lazy then to share a slow cooked, easy meal with your family?
Sure, you could buy a package at Safeway that you add to ground beef to make it into sloppy joe's, but why would you, when this is so much better?
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Photo Post - Happy Birthday to Me!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Don't Run or Burn - Maple Dressing
I know what you're thinking.
"Don't run or burn"? What the heck does that have to do with salad dressing??
Well, it's not a long story, but certainly an entertaining one.
Mom and George were down in small-town Minnesota for the 4th of July, George was wearing a CN Rail hat and traded with a local woman who took a fancy to it. The hat he got in exchange is American beyond words. I love it. And plan to steal it when he's not looking.
Not that the hat story has much to do with maple dressing, but it was on this trip that my mom discovered it and she swears it's the best salad she has ever had. I found this in a 2002 edition of Bon Appetite magazine,. I have paired with the spinach, apple slices, strawberries and pecans, but try it with whatever takes your fancy.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Hello, Sunshine - Summer Morning Popovers
Everything goes with bacon. Have you ever noticed that? It's never really that difficult to put a fabulous breakfast together when you have bacon. It pretty much makes itself.
Oh, this wasn't supposed to be about that at all... I've gotten a little off track.
I was wanting to talk about popovers, but someone mentioned bacon, and that's the direction my brain went.
These are wonderful, easy and great for breakfast (if you're English, or just a fan of afternoon noms, these are great with tea.) although I have yet to have them with anything but butter and maple syrup, I'm told by the rest of my little family that they are amazing with honey and jam. Personally, I can't get over the syrup, so I'll have to take that at face value.
Now, by all means, go out and buy a popover pan, they are just like muffins tins, only a little deeper. but why would you when you can use a muffin tin? They wont rise as much as they would in a popover pan, but really, you're only going to smother them with butter and jam (SYRUP!) so I have decided that it doesn't really make much of a difference.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Summer Salad Series - I Left (my heart in) San Francisco
Salads inspired by songs?
Maybe... But mainly I love music. I love food. Why not marry them? Even if only briefly.
I was in San Francisco a few years ago and nearly died of over indulgence from all the crab cakes I ate. It would have been so worth it. This recipe makes six cakes, and serves as more of a larger appetizer then a true side. But I've never had any complaints regarding that. Plus, it's totally easy to put together when company arrives, since it can be made pretty much ahead of time.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Midnight Cravings - Easy Banana Bread
I'm weird with bananas. I always buy them, forget to eat them, then dump them in the freezer when they get brown. Srsly. I have a freezer full of brown, rock hard bananas. Which, I suppose is a good thing when I start having mad cravings for banana bread!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Photo Post - Sunshine & Tunes
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Summer Salad Series - Florida Sunshine
This salad came into being while I was rocking out to one of my favourite obscure indie bands, As Fast As. They have the most awesome song called, wait for it, Florida Sunshine (ha - you didn't see that one coming did you). I wont torture you with a rendition myself (Google it yourself, it's fantastic) but it's everything this salad is, punchy, catchy and little fresh.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Veggies in Man Food Heaven - Grilled Cheesy Tomatoes
I've been looking for something that's easy. I know, that's a rather a broad statement.
What I mean is, I've been in search of an easy side dish which can be popped onto the BBQ to accompany steaks, chicken, ribs, whatever. I have the tendency to serve the same garlic bread and salad with corn ears when BBQing in the summer. Not that I have any objection (obviously) to making new and different things, it`s just, well I love salad, garlic toast and corn on the cob. And really, who will fault me for that? Anyway, despite all of this, I went looking anyway.
And I have finally found one.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
An Oldie, But a Goodie - Chocolate Chip Cookies
These cookies are the cookies helped Michelle create the phase "Complex Sharing".
DEF: Complex Sharing - When one person (me) brings homemade cookies and the second person (Michelle) eats all of them.
To be honest, it's a lucky day then these are even made into cookies. The dough is so good, that's not always the case. These cookies are great for a last minute dessert or for a quick pick-me-up. They disappear fast at an office party and are generally loved where ever you decide to share them.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Can I Get an OPA!? - Chicken Souvlaki
This is srsly so easy I can't believe I've never made it before. Everything but the chicken and warming the pitas can be done ahead of time and kept in the fridge. Super easy, super awesome, super messy! Have fun!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Little Bubba - Coconut Shrimp
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
One Drunk Night - Totally Easy Rhubarb Strawberry Crumble
You know those boxes of wine you can buy? The ones that are the equivalent to four bottles of wine, and cost about $12? The boxes you pick up and scoff at, turning to your friends you say, I could drink this - easy! The box whose label claims it will stay fresh for up to six weeks after opening, (srsly, six weeks? Who has wine that lasts that long?) and again, you scoff, I can drink this tonight, easy! You say.
I know that wine. And trust me, no one should want to or attempt to drink that much bad wine in one night. Think about it, you just paid $3 a bottle, you don't srsly expect it to be good, do you?
In any case, if you do decide drinking a box of wine while listening to classic 80's rock is a great idea (it's truly fun that night, the next morning - not so much) then I suggest doing what I did. Make this (before too much wine) and eat it warm out of the oven with vanilla ice cream while swaying happily to Hootie and the Blowfish. Good times.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Quick! Start the BBQ! - Pineapple Porkchops
I ask you, is there anything better than BBQ'd pineapple?
No, no there isn't.
So, to that end, I try to pair everything with BBQ'd pineapple.
This dinner idea is totally easy and wonderfully quick - perfect for the days when the sun can;t decide if it wants to shine or not. So in-between splashes of sunshine, you can add a little Hawaii to your day.
No, no there isn't.
So, to that end, I try to pair everything with BBQ'd pineapple.
This dinner idea is totally easy and wonderfully quick - perfect for the days when the sun can;t decide if it wants to shine or not. So in-between splashes of sunshine, you can add a little Hawaii to your day.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Kidneys vs Feathers - Rosemary Lemon Roast Chicken
I will not be bested by a bird. Especially a dead bird wrapped in cellophane.
In my continued search to try new things, I have decided that instead of simply going to Safeway and buying a pre-roasted ready to eat rather greasy chicken, I would attempt my own (again). This though came to me in bed the other night. Do you ever do that? Lay in bed thinking of food? I do. It’s easier on the waistline and you can let your mind wander. I digress. Yesterday, I happily picked up the cutest 2lb chicken at Safeway along with a couple lemons (grab fresh rosemary too, I grow it at home, but grocery stores will carry containers of it in the fresh isle.)
I should to point out, I’m less concerned with never having actually successfully cooking a bird before then I am about the sticker on the package which in bold capitals warning me there may be the birds kidneys left inside. Gross. Although as Brittany pointed out, kidneys are better than feathers. Agreed.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Fishin on the Bow - Halibut Fillets
May was a good month. Everything worked (well, everything except my attempt to make brussel sprouts more appetizing - truth is, sprouts are about as good as they are ever going to get.)
Anyway, I digress, this herbed butter works well with pretty much every white fish, but I like it with halibut best. If you're into wine paring (I drink pretty much whatever really. I'm not fussy) then light white would go well, try a Pinot Gris from Argentina or Chili.
Gluten Free,
Silk Road Spices
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Ivory Coast - Citrus Seared Scallops
I like scallops, but they have never been one of those food that I ever make at home. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's because they seem so fancy and foreign. I'm not sure. But Since I like them I should try making them, right?
You can use a variety of spices on seared scallops, from lightly salted with fresh ground black pepper to squeezed lime and a dash of chili powder (balsamic dressing is also awesome). I, however, saw an opportunity to further expand my spice drawer, and I picked up West-African Citrus Spice from Silk Road. The beauty of scallops, or really any seafood, is the diversity it has. I added these to a bed of mixed greens. Experiment with different spices and sauces. You never know what you'll come across!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Cheaper Than Flying - Beer Battered Cod
There is something about fish and chips that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I take a bite and suddenly I'm on a quiet street in north-east England with my dad, picking off tiny bits of grease soaked, day old newspaper from piping hot fresh from the fryer pieces of fish. But, seeing as that scene is a 9 hour flight away (not to mention thousands of dollars) I have settled for the local version. And being creative and slightly adventurous, I wanted to give it a go myself.
This is a good dinner meal, served with homemade fries and salad. It's cheaper then flying to England. (I'm working on trying it with Gluten Free flour - updates to come.)
This is a good dinner meal, served with homemade fries and salad. It's cheaper then flying to England. (I'm working on trying it with Gluten Free flour - updates to come.)
Check fillets for bones before battering, running your finger against the grain of the flesh usually works to find them. I keep a pair of tweezers in the kitchen for pulling out fishbones, but fingers work just as well.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Summer Salad Series - Mango, Prawn & Avocado
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Bed Head - Breakfast Pancakes
Good morning!
It has become a ritual in our house, every Saturday morning we pull ourselves out of bed, stumble downstairs and whip out bacon, eggs and fluffy pancakes. These are fantastic, fluffy, filling and the sour milk adds something that I haven't tasted in any other pancake recipe.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Photo Post - Happy Friday Flowers
Thursday, May 26, 2011
A Side of Class - Zinfandel Asparagus
I'm going to have to repeat myself. (sorry). I love asparagus. It's a so versatile, you can try to do everything with it, only, please don't steam the hell out of it, that would make me sad.
This particular success is the end result of a culinary experiment. It's fantastic. This would be awesome with roast chicken and rice. I ate it standing at the counter reading back issues of Vogue, but it really does deserve a special place at the table. Srsly. Try this, it's awesome.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
ABC - Apple Crisp
Ever just need a quick healthy-ish dessert? This fits that bill. Although admittedly I eat this for breakfast too... This is rather easy, and comes together in less then 45 mins. It's really only good served hot, but it reheats well in the oven or a quick zap in the microwave. You can peel the apples if you prefer, I'm usually too lazy to do this.
It's great as is, but please do experiment with different fruits. A particular favourite of mine is sliced peaches (no fuzz) with raspberries. Yum!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Party Favours - Chocolate Waffle Cups
Girls coming over? Need something quick and fabulous?
Make these!
The raspberries can be switched out for strawberries, blackberries, even peach slices. Really, whatever you have on hand. Even kiwi would work.
Girls Night In - Sangria
Makes TONS - but, that's hardly a problem!
1 bottle cheap red wine
2 liter bottle Ginger ale or Sprite
1 can limeade concentrate
1 can orange concentrate
3 cans water
1 orange, sliced
1 lemon, sliced
1 lime, sliced
Make sure you have a bowl big enough, but it wont last long!
1 bottle cheap red wine
2 liter bottle Ginger ale or Sprite
1 can limeade concentrate
1 can orange concentrate
3 cans water
1 orange, sliced
1 lemon, sliced
1 lime, sliced
Make sure you have a bowl big enough, but it wont last long!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Tis the Season - Baked Eggs with Tomatoes & Spinach
Something tragic has happened. I have officially run out of clothes.
Some people reading this will think that an impossible thing, but honestly, I have! I have at least four weddings in the next six months to go to and I can't be pictured in the same dress. I have come to learn this kind of thing is unavoidable when you're around my age, everyone seems to be getting hitched. I suppose you could look at it as a way of supporting the economy (which I am - so I intend to support it very very well!)
In any case, I need something quick (but still awesome) to chow down before dashing off in pursuit of the perfect dress. I have found many dresses (shoes, bags, jeans, tops and jackets - but that's getting away from the point) in my search. I have never been one to turn down a shopping quest, so off I go again today, but not without a serving of Baked Eggs with Tomatoes and Spinach. Yum!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Photo Post - Casual Monte Cristo
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Chop Chop - Rosemary Mint Lamb
I have come to realize I have a very different definition of comfort food then the average person.
Don't get me wrong, there are days when all I can think of is my fabulous Mac&Cheese, but usually, when the weather is less when wonderful, I really just want something wondrous.
Something like steamed mussels in white wine, Italian sausage risotto, Slightly Spicy Salmon, or lamb chops with rosemary and mint.
Gluten Free,
Silk Road Spices
Friday, May 20, 2011
Red City - Slighty Spicy Salmon
Sounds stupid doesn't it? But just think about that for a minute. So many times you end up just tasting the glaze or marinade, not the actual meal.
That's why I love this simple salmon dish. Not only is it fast and incredible easy, but it brings out and enhances the natural flavour of the fish. Which, when you think about it, is the point anyway.
Gluten Free,
Silk Road Spices
Thursday, May 19, 2011
When it Rains, Make Cake - Flourless Ancho Chili Chocolate Cake
A rainy day in May.
I have the house to myself, spending the night with a glass of wine, a girly movie and chocolate cake.
This is a great cake, I grabbed it off Silk Road's website months ago. I love making it to share with my mom, not only because it's gluten free - it's a great cake all round.
Gluten Free,
Silk Road Spices
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
One Stop Shop - Lemon Pepper Pork
I was playing around in the kitchen one day and I came across a fabulous concoction. It has been a great "go-to" ever since, plus, it's cheap and easy - what more could you want?
Gluten Free,
Silk Road Spices
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Slow & Comfy - Double Noodle Chicken Soup
Got a hour or two? Or perhaps just need something lazy to do on Sunday? Try this, I promise, you will love it.
When the world turns ugly, it's comforting to know that you can always turn to certain food to pick up your spirits; fresh-from -the-oven chocolate chip cookies, warm strawberry/rhubarb crisp, banana bread with melted butter, and my mom's wonderful chicken noodle soup.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Marry Me - Mac & Cheese
While I must state that is not the intent of the dish - it may end up being the result of it.
I've been making this feel-good dinner for years, and I never get tired of it. It's a staple in my family, I hope your family enjoys it as well.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Photo Post - Garden Fresh English Mint
Friday, May 13, 2011
How to Appear Domestically Talented - Tandoori Chicken
I love dinner recipes that sound, smell and taste like I've slaved away all night in the kitchen, when really, I've thrown it together in seconds, tossed it in the oven and watched reruns of Sex and the City while painting my nails instead. Seriously, nothing makes me feel more domestically talented.
Which is likely why I'm so obsessed with making Tandoori Chicken.
This meal couldn't be any easier or better. And it's all thanks to Silk Road Spice Company. A Calgary, AB based business dedicated to supplying fresh and fabulous spices and spice blends (they ship too!!). I pulled this off their website, I make at least twice a month!
Gluten Free,
Silk Road Spices
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
A Fresh Take - Honey Marinated Pork Tenderloin
I have been subscribed to various cooking magazines and forums for years and yet, I always forget to make what I find.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
A side of ease, please! - Balsamic Asparagus
I love asparagus! Unfortunately, my boyfriend doesn't share my enthusiasm for it. However, he does enjoy it like this. Remember to trim the spears well, not one like finding tough ends.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
It's all in the sauce - Honey Mustard Chicken
The marinade for this drives me crazy - it smells SO good.
It's great for company, and it tastes like you slaved for hours.
It's great for company, and it tastes like you slaved for hours.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Photo Post - Spice Girl
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