Sunday, July 28, 2013

Spatchcock - BBQ chicken

I know, spatchcock? Right. What the hell? 
Weird name, great technique.

So basically what you want to do is take a chicken, grab a pair of tough, sharp kitchen sheers and not be afraid. You are now going to cut the bird open. Yes. That's right. Cut straight down the bird's backbone. No fear. 

Once you've done that, flip the bird over and press down on the breastbone until you hear a slight crack. 



As for actually eating the chicken, I did an amazing dry rub on the BBQ. Amazing in both taste and simplicity. 

4 Tablespoons kosher salt
3 Tablespoons brown sugar 
2 Tablesppons Paprika 
1 Tablespoons Cayenne 

Easy peasy. 

Generously coat and BBQ your chicken until internal temperature of 165. 

Try this, It's massively successful. 

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