Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Break With Tradition - Dutch Pancakes

Happy Pancakes Day!
Srsly, it really is Pancakes Day, this is not just something I made up because I'm jonesing for syrup (although the idea has appeal, doesn't it? Like Kahlua Cupcake day! Or Veggie Tempura day! This could be a thing...). Anyway, being the good Catholic girl I am, I didn't actually know it was Pancakes Day (also known as Shrove Tuesday) until I was reading my Top Gear daily updates on Facebook (how sad is that?) and secondly I couldn't actually remember what Pancakes Day was all about, all I knew was I get to make pancakes, pretty self explanatory.

But, that's why there's Google!
Turns out (I'll give you the Coles Notes version) Pancakes Day is a kick off to Lent. Perfect. The countdown to Easter is starting, Mini Eggs, people!, Mini Eggs, (which reminds me, I should make my Mini Eggs cookies soon...) and I get to make these fabulous Dutch Pancakes for dinner.

I have just been informed that the Dutch don't actually celebrate Shrove Tuesday (I'm not sure where people come up with information like this, but anyways...).
Well, maybe this will change their minds!
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk (250 ml)
1 egg
1 teaspoon butter
1 teaspoon oil

Mix the flour, baking powder, salt and a little of the milk to a smooth paste.
Add the remaining milk gradually, while whisking.
Add the egg, beating the mixture well.
For a lighter texture, leave to rest for a few hours or overnight.
Melt the butter and oil in a large frying pan and wait until it sizzles.
Pour in just enough of the mixture to cover the entire surface of the pan (spread the mixture evenly by tilting the pan) will be about 1/2 cup.
Drop fillings into the batter. ( I used fried sliced ham and warmed sliced apples, but try whatever you want!) 
Bake until bubbles appear on the surface and turn over. Pancakes should be pale gold on both sides. Set aside.
Serve pancakes open-faced and drizzle with syrup.

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